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Source of ground infiltration values

Hi all,

For a project I am looking into the ground infiltration values (in m/d) of different types of soils.

I was wondering where the default values in Tygron come from. I believe the source of subsurface data is the BRO, but I was not able to find the exact source of the values for ground infiltration. Does someone know this?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,



  • Hi @Wouter ,

    From one of our devs:

    These values are based on BOFEK Table and Staringreeks, see column KV-Soil.

    We have updated the values once so far, but not the calculations.

    Each value can be adjusted if the user wants to use other values.

    See also:

    I hope this helps,



  • Hi @vincent.rd,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I indeed noticed that the values were based on the BOFEK and Staringreeks, but I still have trouble with understanding some of the infiltration values that were given.

    For instance, a "haarpodzolgrond, grof zand" has a different value than a "laarpodzolgrond, grof zand" in Tygron, while both are categorised with the same BOFEK-code and in my understanding should thus have the same Staringreeks infiltration value.

    Would you be able to indicate where these discrepancies originate from?

    Thanks in advance,



  • edited October 2022

    Hi @Wouter ,

    I attached an excel that we use internally. I forgot to attach it in the previous post. I understand it was created by a former colleague, who is a water specialist.

    I hope this answers your question.



  • edited October 2022

    Hi @vincent.rd,

    Thank you, I believe this should be very helpful!



  • edited October 2022

    Hi @vincent.rd,

    Unfortunately, I still do not understand the default values for infiltration in Tygron. I checked the Excel-file you sent me and discovered that the values in that file are different from the ones in Tygron (LTS version).

    For example, take the "Veldpodzolgrond, grof zand", which has a ground infiltration value of 0.205 m/d in Tygron:

    In the Excel-file however, this soil type has an infiltration value of 1.84 m/d:

    I noticed that a difference occurs for all soil types in my study area.

    Do you or does someone else know why this difference exists?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hi @Wouter ,

    It seems the file I sent you was outdated. please find here the most recent one.

    Hope this helps,


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