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Save actions


I had a question; why do my actions disappear whenever I insert them into the future design and switch back to original display?

How can I make the actions stay visible?

Kind regards,



  • edited May 2021

    Hi @Tom,

    When you carry out an Action or Measure, a Test run starts. The Test run is designed to test different scenario's in Future design and compare them with the original situation, without permanently changing the current situation. Because when you stop the test run, you will go back to the original situation.

    To create actions in current (original) situation, you can either use the buttons in the Current Situation tab to add a Building for example or import data with the Geo Data Wizard. Remember that when working in Current situation, there is no undo button so it is a good idea to test you actions in Future design.

    For more information on actions and measures in current situation, see this video:

    Does this answer your question?

    Tygron support team

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