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WMS difference overlay


Is it possible to show the difference overlay of the rainfall layer (surface last value) by using the WMS url? For now I only succeeded in showing the current map, or if I activated the measure, to show the planned map. Also if I activate the difference map, it is not visible in QGIS (which is linked with the WMS url).

Thank you in advance,

Best regards, Anne


  • Hi Anne,

    currently it is not possible to access the difference images via the WMS connection. However, it is possible to download the difference overlay as a png.

    To do this, while you're in the editor, go to Tools->API Overview. A web browser will open with the API endpoints of the running session.

    Go to Overlay Services, select the intended Overlay, and then select the endpoint "Image: Query for Difference between: CURRENT & MAQUETTE"

    Will this work for you?

    Kind regards!

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