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automatically generating a report

Hi! Is it possible to automatically generate a report? (PDF, .docx or .xlsx)

For example, having certain measures and their subsequent effect on indicators. This would reduce the amount of having to take screenshots



  • Hey there,

    at this time there is no built-in mechanism for automatically generating PDF or Word files. However, several options exist for automatically overviews of specific results.

    You are already familiar with indicators, so also with the fact that they are driven by Excels. One of the easiest ways of obtaining results in any form of usable file is to simply download the debug excel. The excel can be prepared to provide all relevant information in a table structure which you can then easily parse further.

    When selecting an Indicator in the Editor, it is possible to use the "Open in web browser" option to open it in a web browser. The output will be the same as the output visible in the client application you are used to. If you ensure the Indicator creates an overview of all the results you would like to include in the report, you can then select use the browser's built-in "print" option, and "print" the page to a pdf.

    Such an output needn't be an Indicator specifically, if you do not wish to pollute your top bar. You can also create an Excel Panel, which functions in mostly the same way and has the same option to show the output in a web browser.

    Expanding on this, when you are comfortable with using HTML elements such as img and iframe, you can also create a Text Panel with multiple HTML elements which in turn refer back to the data in the Project. This will similarly allow you to aggregate data into a single overview, which could then be printed.

    For an example of how you can refer to other HTML output in the same project, it may also be worth it to check the custom dashboard example posted previously on the forum. Although the use-case is different, the underlying task is the same, namely aggregating HTML data into a single HTML page:

    Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not also mention that you are not locked into the options the Tygron Platform offers out-of-the-box. You can also use the API to programmatically access data, including the output of indicators, panels, and the generated images of Overlays.

    I recommend to investigate which of the above options are attainable for implementation in your use-case, and select one to connect your broader process to.


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