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Prepared actions in panels (demolish an area)

One of the common use-cases we encounter is that a given area need to be redeveloped, either by applying a measure, through a parametric design, or by manually drawing actions into the world. However, to do this properly, an area would need to be prepared by demolishing the existing structures.

Doing this during a testrun or session can be labor-intensive and hard to replicate exactly. Doing it in the base-state of the project means you can no longer demonstrate the current situation of that location. Doing this via a measure blocks the area from further development.

With the availability of the API, a new option presents itself: rather than having the user manually draw a demolition action, you can precisely what area is to be demolished.

To use the attached Excel in your project, do the following:

  1. Add one or more Areas to your Project, with a DEMOLITION_AREA attribute set to "1". Ensure they have polygons drawn in the 3D world.
  2. Add a Template Excel Panel to the Project. Configure it to look for Areas with a DEMOLITION_AREA attribute, and apply the template.
  3. One or more popups now appear in the 3D World, any of which can be clicked to open the Panel with a "Demolish" and "Restore" option.
  4. Using either option will be like drawing either option in exactly the location of the drawn Area and applying that action.

This means it's possible to predefine a large swath of land which the end-user can easily clear for redevelopment.

This is a simple and specific example of an action which is made easier by using the API, and can easily be added to any project. More complex or conditional actions can be created based on the same principle.

Note that this panel uses an API token to access data in the project. Using this panel in a project with untrusted end-users may allow an industrious end-user to gain access to all data in the project. It is therefor recommended not to use this panel in projects where untrusted users are allowed unsupervised access.

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