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Budget score

I set the target of budget indicator to 0 because I want the budget score being 100% until stakeholder is in red numbers. However, the budget score is 100% despite the stakeholders being in red numbers. Why is this happening? How I should configure the budget indicator to get what I expected?

Thank you!



  • Hello Joseph,

    I will adjust this (next week) on our wiki but because the target of the indicator is set to 0 this score is not calculated correctly in the progress score.

    If you set the target to 1,- the score will be calculated correctly when a negative budget is reached.

    Can you try to adjust this in your project and let me know if this has solved your problem?

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi,

    I tried what you said. It works but it looks weird. I'd rather than budget and global score were 0 instead of negative. Especially global scores, that takes a really weird number. Besides, the bar graph can be easily misunderstood if you don't notice the X axis values.

    Thank you!

  • Hi Josep,

    I see what you mean. Unfortunately this is not something you can change as far as I know.

    I will ask my colleagues, maybe one of them has an idea about how to achieve this afterall.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi Josep,

    To get back to you about this, I was right. You cannot change this, so I thinkn you have to deal with this functionality as it is.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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