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Indicator based on overlay is not updating in simulation


I created an indicator that counts the number of houses within a radius of 100 m of public green areas. I think the indicator works properly but when I run a simulation the numbers are not updating. But they do if I make changes in the editor.

I attach the excel. May you have a look at it to see what the problem is?

Thank you.


  • The heat effect indicator has the same problem. Indeed, when I start the simulation the heat overlay becomes in one single value in planned map.

  • Hi Josep, about the heat effect indicator: There are two different ways to calculate heat in the Tygron Platform,

    also see:

    What happens in your project is that you are using the UNESCO model to calculate the Heat Island effect, however only the 'Physiological eqv temperature (relative)' is calculated by the UNESCO model, and not the heat island effect, which is why you are not seeing any results. What you should do is either use the result type "Physiological eqv temperature (relative)", or switch to calculating heat with de DPRA module.

    As Tygron, we will look into the possibility to prevent users to choose a result type which is not applicable.

    I hope this helps!


    Tygron Support Team

  • Hi Josep, 

    I've taken a look into your green indicator. What I've found is that it does update, but that the score is going down as the amount of houses within the green's distance zone increases. This is because you're using a "minimum distance is 100" query, and taking the resulting number to be the amount of houses which is good. I'm assuming that you don't intend to make houses as far away from green as possible. Instead, I assume you want houses to be close to green.

    What I would recommend is to change the query from using MINGRIDVALUE to MAXGRIDVALUE. This will mean that houses with at most 100 meters distance to green are "good".

    If you make this change I believe you'll see the expected results. Don't forget to make this change on both the CURRENT and MAQUETTE tab of the file.

    Kind regards!

    Sprawling spreadsheets so intricate Alexander the Great cuts them in half.

  • Thank you both for your suport!

  • Some more information on the project and its context can be found here:

    Tygron Support Team

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