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Water Stress Indicator does not show in list of indicators

Hello everbody,

I want to add the (new) water stress indicator after ordering it. But when I want to add the new indicator, the water stress indicator doesn't show up in the list. Hope some knows how this comes or can confirm there is an error.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • Accepted Answer

    Hi Group 6,

    If I understand correctly, you have downloaded the water stress indicator from the Index but you are not able to import the indicator.

    Can you tell me the steps you did to import the indicator and what you mean with the indicator does not show up in the list?

    You can also take a look at the FAQ of the Index:

    for some help on using indicators from the Index.


  • For completeness, Group 6 confirmed during the UvA Webinar that this question was answerd to their satisfaction and everything worked out for them.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • In this webinar all questions from the University of Amsterdam students are explained.

    Please feel free to wacht this webinar and learn more about how to make use of the software.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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