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Working with measures, spatials, and pre-existing features

edited June 2023 in Editor

When loading in your own urban development plans, the basis is always the Buildings and associated features. However, a plan may be composed of more than that. For more complex plans featuring water, heights, and broad-strokes demolitions, take the following into account:

When applying a measure, anything which it doesn't intersect with is ignored and remains in your 3D world. This means that if there is a hole somewhere in the plan where no importable features are defined, in that location the original situation will persist. This allows a properly drawn plan to leave certain Buildings or waterbodies as they are when intended. But is also a point of attention when creating plans to import, as gaps between features may leave strips of old Buildings unintentionally.

Spatials can be used to manipulate the terrain. WATER defines water, and may not intersect any locations where the measure already places Buildings. Otherwise, it may result in certain Buildings being placed in the water. RAISE defines a raised (or lowered) section of terrain. This spatial can overlap with Buildings, as sometimes buildings are explicitly built on higher or lower terrains. FLATTEN can be used to flatten the terrain, but also serves to demolish features. If, for example, a plan has a base polygon to indicate the project area, a flatten can be created based on that shape to clear out any remaining features.

However, keep in mind that the notice about leaving old features goes both ways. If you do want to keep certain old features, you must ensure that there are gaps in the resulting measure. Otherwise, the locations will be overwritten or cleared as defined by the measure.

Load in your plan's buildings first. Then, define WATER spatials for water, followed by the RAISE spatials for changes in elevation, and finally a FLATTEN for de demolition of pre-existing features which should be removed.

More information about loading in Spatials can be found on the wiki:

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