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Import Sewer from dwg-file


We are currently working on a model for our project. This is our first time working with Tygron. We have a DWG-file of the sewer system and also converted it to a GEOJSON file. However when importing this file into Tygron it gives us the following error: Failed to read file. Reason: Cannot deserialize instance of 'nl.tytech.geo.query.ogc.OgcResult' out of START_ARRAY token at [Source: (URL); line: 1, column: 1]".

Can this issue be resolved?




  • Hi @JoostADW ,

    Can you verify that the GeoJSON file is valid? For example in QGIS you can check the validity in the Vector menu --> Geometry tools --> Check validity. If the file is not valid you can fix the errors in a GIS and then try again with the new GeoJSON file.

    If the file is valid, can you then share the DWG and GeoJSON file here or send it in a ticket to Support so we can look into it?

    Tygron support team

  • We already figured out a way to bypass our problem, thanks anyway for the response!

  • Hello @JoostADW ,

    Thank you for your reply. May I ask if you can share here what the workaround is? Maybe other users can learn from this as well.

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • We wanted to put an exact CAD-file of the sewer into our model. Since we were fairly new to the program, we didn't know that Tygron works with an sewer-area instead of the complete infrastructure of the sewer. So we just went with the sewer area instead of the complete infrastructure.

  • Oke thank you @JoostADW . That is good to know :)

    Maybe if you have time, you can post a pic of your project? Always nice to see the results of the work of Tygron users.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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