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How to implement biodiversity

Many times I have had the question if we have a biodiversity indicator.

Well, we do not have a standard biodiversity indicator but we do have some experience with building your own biodiversity indicator.

Building such an indicator can be hard, mostly because you have to quantify the amount of biodiversity. You have to take into account allot of factors that can influence the biodiversity. For example; which species are you focusing on and/or what are the effect scores you want to make use of.

I would like to share these two videos with you. This can help you to start your own biodiversity indicator.

The first one is a brainstorm about how to create the indicator with Maxim Knepflé, the CTO of Tygron, and @Ward van Laatum, from Aveco de Bondt .

The second one is a video from Ward on how he actually implemented the indicator.

Currently we have an intern at Tygron, @ReijnTygron, who is also actively looking at how to create a biodiversity indicator.

Reijn, may I ask if you can share more information about your project?

I hope these videoss and information will inspire you to start implementing your own biodiversity indicator. If you do so, please share your experience here with us and our customers.

Kind regards,
Tygron support team

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