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Failure to import Geojson files

My task was to import my shape files, which contained multiple polygons with attibutes. I used QGIS to export the shape files into GeoJson files. However, I found the Geo Data Wizard always shows that Number of Features in this project = 0. Although I noticed failure importing occures when there are attributes containing non-numeric content, and thus I deleted all the attributes attached to the shape file, the situation remains. Moreover, I have already kept the file name as mininal as possible e.g. agr.geojson etc. Same results I got. I noticed the coding struture of the GeoJson files generated by Tygron itself is far different from the one by QGIS. May I know is this the reason why I couldnt import the files, and how I could solve this? Thank you very much.

Vincent/ Hong Kong


  • Hi Vincent,

    Thank you for your question.
    It is correct that the Engine can't import text attributes (only numerical), however, if your GeoJSON file contains text attributes, you should be able to continue with the wizard. The text attributes will not be imported.

    I suspect that maybe there is an issue with the CRS (coordinate reference system) of the GeoJSON files. The Engine should be able to import data from all CRS, but sometimes it helps to transform your data to the Pseudo Mercator CRS (EPSG:3857). You can do that also in QGIS. When you save your Shapefile as a GeoJSON file, it is possible to choose a CRS. If you need more information on this step, please let me know.

    On our Wiki you can read more information about the Geo data wizard, requirements on Geo Data and how to create a GeoJSON

    I hope this will solve the issue. If not, please send a Support ticket
    with the attached GeoJSONs, so we can help you with the issue.

    With kind regards,

    Tygron support team

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