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NEW: Support consultation hour!

We have a new support consultation hour since a couple of weeks!

We did notice that sometimes it is hard to answer a question in writing without it being a complete book work in a comment post; P

Therefore did we start with a new consultation hour on Fridays.

When we get a question which is hard to explain in writing or asks for more guidance in the answer (maybe by an short instruction video) it is possible we will ask you to join us in the consultation hour.

Or, if you have a question where you would like to request a time slot for the consultation hour, please let us know!

What we do.....we record all consultation hours and post the anonymized version in the forum post which contains the original question.

That is how we try to make the use of our software even more user-friendly and try to help our customers as good as possible.

Kind regards,
Tygron support team

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