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Existing upgrades are not working (e.g. Gardens --> Water tank)


We have a project about making Chaam waterproof. We are trying to implement measures among other Rainwater tanks in the gardens of the citizens. However, this upgrade is not working. We have looked at a webinar online were they explain actions, measures and upgrades. We tried to use the trick in the video to make your own upgrade, however, it was not possible to select a garden including a rainwater tank (it is not possible to add this via the function values). Therefore, it is not possible to do the trick by making pairs.

We are not aware of the number that we could fill in ourselves in the function values that are similar to the ones of a rainwater tank. What would be realistic? or how could we solve this problem?

Hope you can help us :)

Kind regards,


PS. I also posted another question that could give you a bit more insight into what is happening over here.


  • Hello @Sofie ,

    Thanks again for your active contribution to our community!

    I'm happy to help you :)

    Did you find our How to about rain barrels?

    I think this is the answer you are looking for:

    Is that indeed what you are looking for?

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Good afternoon @Hansje ,

    This is indeed what I'm looking for, but how can I calculate what I need to fill in for the function values of rain barrels.

    Do you maybe got some generals numbers that are mostly used. Or if I know the maximum storage capacity of a rain barrel. Could I then maybe calculate it myself. I am not sure how to do this.

    But thank you for all the helpful answers!

    Kind regards,


  • Hi @Sofie ,

    Maybe you can look at other functions in the Platform that also have a water storage function and use these as a reference or for comparison. For example in the Paved area (Pleinen) category are several functions that also have a water storage function (see screenshot below):

    Tygron support team

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