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New solar panels attribute


I'm struggling with new solar panels attribute. The issue is if I edit the solar panel attribute (in the editor or using an attribute action), it works perfectly. However, I want to use the upgrades because I need to assign a cost. When I do using an upgrade the solar panels do not appear. What I did is a duplicate of the function and then changing the solar panels attribute from 0 to 1 and it does not work, not using an upgrade action neither directly changing the function in the editor.

Am I doing something wrong?





  • Hi @jpueyo ,

    I have tested your issue and can reproduce it. Using the solar panels attribute in an Upgrade does not seem to add the solar panels to the models.

    I will file this as a bug and let you know if there is an update about this. For now, the workaround is to use an Attribute Action (however, then costs are not taken into account).

    Tygron support team

  • Thank you for your answer, @Godelief .

    Do you have an approximate deadline to fix this bug? I'm not in a rush and I would like to know whether it's worthy to change to attribute action or to wait for the bug to be fixed.

    By the way, adding a cost to attribute actions will be as useful as fixing the bug to my purpose. ;)



  • Hi @jpueyo ,

    In that case I think it is better for now to switch to using Attribute Actions, since I don't yet know when this will be on the roadmap.

    Tygron support team

  • Hi @jpueyo,

    An update on this post: this issue is now fixed on the LTS. Therefore it is now possible to create new functions with solar panels on them (by setting the solar panels attribute on 1) and use these functions in an upgrade.

    Tygron support team

  • Hi!

    It works fine, thank you!

    However, I believe I found a little bug.

    When I upgrade some functions (I found it with mid-level appartments) and then cancel the upgrade, the building disappears (only the visualization). I tried to attach some screenshots but your server returned error 500. So I send the links:



  • Hi @jpueyo ,

    Thanks again for your feedback and involvement!

    I took a quick look at the small bug you reported and it seems to be a small bug indeed.

    We will do some more indepth research to see if we can reproduce it.

    This can take some time. I hope you can continue to work on your project in the mean time.

    And I will post a comment here when I have more info regarding your report.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hello @jpueyo ,

    I would like to come back on this post.

    We found that the problem with the disappearing building is from overlapping polygons. This occurred when retrieving the data when creating the project and that is no problem as long as you don't edit these constructions in a session. But when you preform and action (in this case an upgrade and thatn try to restore this so in the background remove the building and put it back), the problem arises that it is not properly visualized by the overlapping polygons that get conflicted. This often only occurs in a few buildings. A solution could be to delete the building in editor mode and draw it back yourself. Then the new building will have its own polygon in a different location and there will no longer be any overlap.

    I hope this might help you afterall.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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