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Importing terrains


I imported new terrains using a geojson to differentiate between urban open areas and rural open areas (by duplicating open land terrain). However, when I import the terrain layer, terrains take a color and the satellite imagery is no longer visible. I tried to change the COLOR attribute to transparent, but it didn't work.

Thank you,




  • Hi @jpueyo ,

    You can set the transparency with the TERRAIN_MIX attribute. See this post for more information:

    However, I see that when changing this attribute for terrains, the satellite background is still barely visible. I will ask a colleague if there is another option to be able to see the satellite basemap when importing terrains and will let you know when I have more information.

    Would it for your use case also be possible to import the different open areas as AREAS and create an Overlay from this to see the types of open areas? Or do you need it to be terrains?

    Tygron support team

  • Hi!

    I perfectly worked using areas instead of terrains. My problem was I'm calculating an indicator of distance to green areas and I need to consider open land outside the city (forests and fields) but not open land inside the city. So, with areas I solved the problem.

    Thank you!


  • Hi @jpueyo ,

    Good to hear that using areas solved the issue!

    To get back to you about the original question and for other users: for now there is no workaround for importing new terrain types and being able to see the satellite background. If there is an update on this, I will let this know in this topic.

    Tygron support team

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