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Scale of the model


Sometimes we need to take screenshots of the overlays that we have. For our documentation it is necessary to include the scale of the figure. But to our knowledge, there is no option for this. Our question is, is there a way to see the scale of the model before you want to take a screenshot?





  • Hello @JoostADW ,

    Thank you for your question! That is a good one!

    In the Platform you can find the restrictions of the area in the File tab.

    If you want to make screenshots and have a scale included you can go to the Web interface of your project.

    Tools-> hover over the Web Interface-> select Show in ArcGis viewer. Now you can make screenshots where a scale is included.

    I hope this helps.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Yes I got it! Very helpful, thanks!

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