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How to transfer MPX files to Tygron?

Hello Everyone,

Is it possible to transfer MPX files to Tygron?

I have a file with many different layers and I have it as a MPX file, is it possible to import this to Tygron?

Thanks in advance!


  • edited March 2021

    Hello @Avans Hogeschool ESSET 1 ,

    Thank you for your question!

    It is possible to import your own data but this has to be in a certain type of file. On this wiki page, you can find all info on these types of files and how to import the file via the Geodata wizard. You can convert your file in a GIS program like QGIS for example and than import into the Tygron platform.

    I hope this helps you :)

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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