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Ordering action menu


in the action menu, there is an option to reorder actions, it affects the order that appear to players. However, it seems there is some kind of limitation that I don't get how it works.

I can move up or down but at some point it stops and I don't know why.

Thank you!


  • Hello @jpueyo ,

    I assume this is because of the list contains all actions of all stakeholders in the complete project.

    When you check the checkbox Only for my stakeholder you get the list of actions that are related to the stakheolder you are currently editing the project from. (See picture below).

    When you have checked this checkbox you can move te actions up and down whitout limitations.

    If you want to arrange all action menu's you need to switch stakeholder roles and repeat the action per stakeholder.

    You can do this in the future design tab.

    I hope this helps. If not please let us know, tell us the name of your project and open your project for support so we can take a look at your project.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi,

    I'm sorry but it's not working. The limitation continues despite choosing the "only for my stakeholder" option.

    In addition, if actions are activated in later levels, they are not visualized in the menu, first you must activate them in the first level.

    Thank you!

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