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Error on excel indicator when I start the test session


I created an indicator that counts the surface of solar panels and compares with total roof surface. I created it like I always do but I get this error when I start the test session:

Current!R11 is the SCORE_CURRENT cell. However, the indicator is showing the score properly.

I've lost my head all afternoon trying to figure it out where is the problem and I couldn't find it.

Could you take a look at it?

Thank you.


  • Hi @jpueyo ,

    Can I take a look into your project to download the Excel from?

    What is the name of your project and can you give Tygron Support access?

    Tygron support team

  • The name is Gi Edible Game2 0 (with underscores instead of spaces)

    I gave permissions to Tygron support.

    Thank you!

  • Hi @jpueyo ,

    Thank you for the access. I took a look at your project and noticed that the target for the solar panels indicator was 0 for level 2 - 4. That is why you got the error message divide by 0. If you set a target > 0 for these levels, then the error should be resolved.

    Let me know if this solution works for you.

    Tygron support team

  • That's it! I feel a bit dummy now... I had lost my head!

    Thank you very much!

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