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Upgrading buildings that were build during a session

edited August 2020 in Editor

Is it true that it's not possible to upgrade a building that was build during the session?

When I want to place solar panels on roofs of buildings, it seems that it's only possible to do that on buildings that already existed in the current situation. The buildings that were build during the session stay grayed out. At first I was trying to create a custom upgrade type, but when that didn't work out I tried it with the default one. I used functions that are related to the default upgrade type as input functions.

Might it have anything to do with the fact that de newly placed building has a status "waiting for construction"? And if so, what's the solution to this (the simulation type is already set to planning, so I thought construction time wasn't used)?


  • Hello Boing,

    It depends on if your project is a Timeline project or a Planning project. Maybe this wiki page can help you understand what type of project you have and why you cannot upgrade a building that is build during a session.

    In a planning project you can easily demolish a building and build a new building that has solar panels. It is indeed not possible to upgrade a new build building because the building is actually build in the future situation, it is only simulated so to say.

    In a timeline project you don't want to demolish a newly build construction because of the demolishing costs. When you have completed the building proces a new building is actually build in your project and it should be possibly to upgrade this building.

    Does this help?

    If you still have a problem with achieving your desired design please let us know. If you attatch some printscreens of you project is helpfull for us to better understand your designing challenge.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi Hansje,

    Thanks for the clear answer.

    It's a shame that it's not possible to use the upgrade function in a planning session. Although demolishing a building isn't a problem because of the costs, it would still be useful to be able to use the upgrade function during a planning session. It saves a lot of options in the action menu (basically captures multiple types of buildings with solar panels under one button). And it also saves a step when the user wants solar panels on an already planned building which makes it more user friendly. So I don't really understand why the upgrades on planned buildings is disabled in a planning session.

    But I'll just have to accept that what I wanted is not possible. As you suggested, I think the only workaround would be to demolish the building and rebuild it as a version with solar panels.

  • Hello Boing,

    You are correct, this wouldbe the work around.

    I understand the plussides you mention about being able to use upgrades on planned constructions in a planning project.

    Those are all true.

    It's not that theupgrade function on planned buildings is disabeld in a planning project, it was never possible.

    The thing is, in a planning project...the planned construction is never "really build", only the possible placed construction is visualized. Therefor this building cannot be upgraded because it is never placed in that location.

    Only the visualization is placed in that location.

    I hope this is a little bit more clear.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • edited November 2020

    Hello @Boing ,

    We have new solar panel functionalities on our Preview Server that will become available for all customers in the upcomming Preview release at the end of 2020.

    May be it is interesting for you to start exploring these new functions after the release is done.

    For now you can already have a sneak peak via this video (Dutch only).

    I hope this is indeed helping you with your use case.

    Also this wiki link about the attribute actions is relevant for you I think.

    And we will keep you updated about the upcomming Preview release!

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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