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Select attribute from area

edited September 2020 in Editor


We have a soil pollution map with attributes. The Different values refers to a certain class.

I would like to see if there is a soil pollution in part of our research area. Therefore we created an overlay which includes 4 areas with a different type of pollution.

We want to select data in a particular sub area from a map which consists of pollution zones. Is it possible to select an attribute from a specific area within a subarea? And how can this be done?


  • Hello Iverna,

    Thank you for your question.

    It is possible to select an attribute from a subarea.

    Basically you can request an area by ID and add a clause to you query to request an area by attribute as well.

    This bombination resultes in a selected subarea from an specfic area.

    In addition about creating your query:


    (for every area which has a researcharea attribute, regardless of value)

    _and _area_with_attribute_is_pollutionlight

    (and intersecting with an area which is marked as being lightly polluted by having a pollutionlight attribute, regardless of values)

    Do you have enough information now to make it work?

    If you still have questions about this, maybe we can plan an appointment for our support consultation hour?

    During this consultation hour (which we record to share with other users), we can demonstrate how to create this kind of query.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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