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Improvement of the buildings while running the game

When the game is running we need stakeholders being able to improve the already existing buildings by constructing garden roofs, living walls…

As far as I know, the only way to do that is demolishing the building and constructing a new one with the improvement, which is not quite realistic for the purposes of the EdiCitNet.

May it be possible to perform new actions that allow gamers to imrprove a buildings? For instance, changing a regular contemporary flat by a contemporary flat with green roof.

Thank you.



  • Hello Josep,

    Thank you for posting your question on our forum. It is indeed possible to make upgrades to buildings and roads.

    In the actions, measures and upgrades webinar an explanation is given on how to implement the right upgrades.

    Also on our upgrades wiki page more indepth info is available and some how-to's are given here:

    I think you need to know that this is called an upgrade in the Tygron software te be able to find this info on the wiki and the video tutorials.

    Hopefully you will succeed now.

    If you still have a question about this, please let us and our community know :)

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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