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Show Time frame steps in hh:mm:ss also

When simulating a flood, I want to be able to clearly see per time frame how much time has passed since the start of the simulation. Now I have to multiply the number of time frames by the chosen time step (for example 10 minutes, time step 100 = 1000 minutes = 16:40:00). That is not very handy. That is why I would like to see the simulation time in addition to the time frame numbers.


  • Hi @WRIJ GvdH,

    Are you working on the LTS? On the Preview, you can see how much time has passed at each time frame in the legend bar:

    The LTS will be updated with, among others, this new feature at the end of February.

    Tygron support team

  • Thanks, now i see the time is shown. But what i see is something different then in your print screen. (see attachment)

    The time at the left is not shown and the time in the down-middle of the screen is only in hours, not in hh:mm.

    (i work in LTS )

  • Hi @WRIJ GvdH,

    On the LTS the time is not yet added next to the play button and in the graph. Currently this functionality is only on the Preview. On February 28th the LTS will be updated with among others this functionality (see also our newsletter for more information).

    Tygron support team

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