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How can I save future scenario so that I can compare existing situation with outcomes of my actions?

I was trying to create a project "improving livability of a neighborhood". I identified a neighborhood and built a future scenario (with actions that would improve livability).

I wanted to save outcomes of my actions (the future scenario) but every time I try to save, I get a message that it can not be saved because the test run is active. When I stop the test run I loose all the edits (actions that I had taken) to create the future scenario.

  1. Is there a way that I can save future scenario so that I can compare existing situation with outcomes of my planned interventions (actions)?
  2. Can I also know a total estimated cost of my actions (taken for building a future scenario)?
  3. Can the total cost of a future scenario be be seen as break-up per stakeholder?

Looking forward to the suggestions and solutions!!




  • Hello Somesh,

    All three are good questions.

    Results of your plans

    For saving the results of designed scenarios, the testrun mode of the editor does not offer a specific option to save the drawn actions. You are however able to export the results of the indicators by copying the contents of the indicators to an external file, as well as export the resulting calculated grids (such as the livability overlay) as a geotiff. For more information on that option, see out wiki:

    Alternatives to explore, if you also want to preserve the exact plans which led to the results, is to either predefine the plans using measures, so they can be saved as part of your project proper (more information here:, or to use a single-user or multi-user mode to create the plans. In those user modes, the state of the session can be saved and reloaded at a later time.

    Costs of your plans

    For both the total costs of your plans, and the plans per stakeholder, I would recommend adding the budget indicator to the stakeholders in your project. From the perspective of each stakeholder it will show the expenses (and income) resulting from the plans. It will even offer the option to see a breakdown of those costs as an itemized budget. Adding the results of all stakeholders together will of course result in a total for the plan in full. For more information:

    Finally, if you really want those results summed up in a single overview, you can create your own indicator. Download and inspect the excel files which underly the default budget indicator, and inspect how it is built up. Then compose your own excel based on the same TQL queries. For more information on making your own indicators, see the following articles on our wiki:

    Cheers, and good luck!

    Sprawling spreadsheets so intricate Alexander the Great cuts them in half.

  • Thanks a lot Rudolf! This is very helpful. I am going to try the solutions

    thank you for your prompt reply.

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