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Average Overlay cq Difference Overlay

Dear Support,

I'd like to create a map that shows me the difference between two grids or between a grid and an area. Is this at all possible? I tried the overlay Add Avg, but without much succes.

As an example. I have a groundwater overlay with the groundwaterlevel and I'd like to compare this with the surface level.



  • Hi Ward,

    The Difference overlay shows the difference between the current and the future (maquette) situation of a Grid overlay.

    The Average overlay shows the values of attributes from Buildings, Terrains, Neighborhoods or Areas as a Grid overlay.

    The example you mention can't currently be done in the Tygron Platform. To do this you can export both overlays and compare them in a GIS.

    Tygron support team

  • Ah, okay. Thank you!

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