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Groundwater Storage Fraction (Unit)

Dear Support,

In the Groundwater Wizard you can set the Groundwater Storage Fraction. What is the unit? Is this in percentages? So in case of 30% porosity, I set it to 30. Or do I set it to 0.3? The WIKI says Percentages, so I would think I've to set it to 30. Could you please confirm this?


  • Hi Ward,

    This needs to be 0,3 as this is a fraction of the percentage. Maybe this was not clear enough on our wiki;

    The percentage (as a fraction) of the underground volume which can be filled with water. A lower percentage means the underground will be able to store less water, and the saturated zone will rise higher with the same amount of water in the underground layer.

    The (as a fraction) part indicates it needs to be 0,3 instead of 30.

    I hope this clarifies it more.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Yes! It does. Very good. Thank you.

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