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Multi Stakeholder - Interface


Is it possible to ajust or replace the first screen Contributors to a screen that my client wants?


  • Hey Lee,

    to adjust the contributors screen, visit the following location in the editor: Multi-Stakeholder -> Intro Texts -> Add the logos of contributing parties. Here you can add contributing organisations, their logos, and the people who contributed.

    It is not recommended to deactivate the contributors screen, however you can do so by going to Multi-Stakeholder -> Interface -> Change Interface Screens, and then set the Contributors screen to inactive.

    Sprawling spreadsheets so intricate Alexander the Great cuts them in half.

  • Hi Rudolf,

    As I understand from your answer, it is not possible to place a picture of city hall Den Bosch taken with your phone?

  • Hi Lee,

    As Rudolf described where to find the logo's and contributors screen. There you can also add a new picture, so also one you made with your Phone for example.

    I have put a print screen in this post with some directions of where you can add this. Is this clear?

    I hope this is helpful for you.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi Hansje,

    Thank you very much, this is very helpfull and I'll inform Den Bosch.



  • Hi Lee,

    Good to hear this was helpful!

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi Hansje,

    I mean this screen, they don't like it. Den Bosch wants to upload another picture, which is also bigger.

  • Hi Lee,

    I know you mean that screen. The print screen I posted above is about changing the contributers screen you are referring to.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi Hansje,

    I didn't explain it good enough. What I mean is that they don't just want their logo to be seen. They want to be able to change the whole screen.

    Is that possible?



  • Hello Lee,

    I understand now. Unfortunately that is not possible. You can only change the logo('s).

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi Hansje,

    Thanks for your answer.



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