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Green indicator and it's effects.

Hello Tygron and fellow users,

I had a question about the 'Green' indicator and what it calculates.
Also can you tell me more about the way buildings and improvements influence this?


Sander van Dijk
Municipality Den Haag


  • edited September 2018

    Hello Sander,

    Thank you for your post. I will provide you with some information about this below in my reply. If someone want's to give addition information based on his/her own Experience, please feel free to contribute.

    To answer your question, on the support wiki page the green calculation is described. Green Indicator

    About the way you can influence the green indicator I can tell you the following. By taking actions, measures and or upgrades from the action menu during a session you can influence the 3D world. How big this influence is on the indicator is calculated immediately. As an editor you can set the value of how big this impact is per action, in the function values table (more info can be founf on our wiki page Funtion values.

    Is this answering your question?

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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