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How is the "Heat" indicator calculated?


In the indicator menu, there is an indicator in the Basic folder which is simply called Heat. I can't seem to find any documentation on this indicator on the wiki or elsewhere (the only heat-related indicators that are mentioned on the wiki are heat reduction and heat risk). From what I can understand, this indicator simply calculates an average temperature per neighborhood and produces a score based on how close this temperature is to a specified goal, but I have no idea how Tygron calculates these temperatures. I thought maybe they were based on the default settings of the DPRA-based heat stress overlay, but a quick test seems to disprove this suspicion. Taking a look at the Excel sheet behind the heat indicator also didn't clear it up, as the temperature values do not seem to be calculated in this sheet itself. So how should I interpret the Heat indicator and how is it calculated?





  • Hi Quinten,

    The indicator indeed takes average calculated heat stress per neighborhood and compares that to a configured indicator target. The calculated heat per neighborhood is calculated by the heat stress overlay in the project, to which it refers automatically. One example of the query in the excel which forms the links is the following:


    The internal workings of those calculations are documented as part of our pages regarding the Heat Overlay, and follow the principles put forth by the DPRA heat stress report.

    Can you further indicate in what way there appeared to be a disconnect between the two?


    Sprawling spreadsheets so intricate Alexander the Great cuts them in half.

  • Hi Rudolf

    I have stopped working on the Tygron project for the time being, so unfortunately I currently don't have time to investigate my questions and your answers any further. Thank you for your help nonetheless, should I continue to work with Tygron in the future I will get back to this topic. (This also applies to my question about OSM watercourses.)

    Kind regards


  • Hi, An just asked me to resume my work on the Tygron project so here I am again :)

    I thought the heat indicator was not based on the heat stress overlay because when I add a heat stress overlay without changing its default configuration, the PET values in the different neighborhoods do not correspond to the temperature values reported by the indicator. Does the heat indicator maybe assume different conditions than the default heat stress overlay?


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