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Reimport OSM watercourses after importing external land cover map?


I imported an external land cover map in my Tygron project, mapping the different land cover types to the appropriate Tygron terrain types. However, in my land cover map there are some polygons which should be water, but which are categorised as a different land cover type, e.g. because of a tree hanging over a river. In Tygron, this results in discontinuities in rivers, which is undesirable. Is there a way to "reimport" the watercourses (and only the watercourses) from the default OpenStreetMap terrain so that the rivers are "repaired"?




  • Hi Quinten,

    If you have a dataset of water courses which you wish to import, you can do so via Current Situation -> Terrains -> Import Terrains.

    If you do not (yet) have such a dataset, an option can be to create a new project in the Tygron software of the relevant extent, and then export the water terrains from that project. It is then possible to close that project without saving. The exported water terrains can be used as an input dataset for water courses.

    Will this work for you?


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