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Some (large) 3D model buildings not rendering

I imported a dataset of LOD2 buildings (SLPK format) into Tygron, and noticed that some buildings do not seem to render. Especially larger buildings which are close to other buildings seem to be prone to this. The invisible buildings do however exist, when I click the location where they should be the blue outline is shown correctly and the pane with the building's properties opens. The missing buildings do not have an effect on the calculation of indicators (e.g. they do not cast a shadow that reduces heat stress).


  • Hi An,

    The fact that the outline appears means the base polygon of the model was loaded in succesfully. The fact that no shadow is cast to reduce heat stress means the 3D properties are not present, and therefor also not visualized (and not made part of the world geometry used to calculate shadows). This may be an issue in which the model is too complex, contains invalid geometries, or is otherwise unable to be interpreted correctly. It may also be a case of using different import settings. I believe one of the steps while importing the model is whether to use the model's reference height or Tygron's terrain elevation to base the model height on.

    Can you check whether you can load in one of the now-missing models by itself (i.e. not part of a dataset of multiple buidlings), and whether it does load in then? Can you also check whether using the other setting for the model's base height might resolve the issue for you?



    Sprawling spreadsheets so intricate Alexander the Great cuts them in half.

  • Hi Rudolf

    I am currently unable to export individual buildings from the 3D model, but I imported the SLPK file using the model height instead of the terrain height and all the buildings seemed to get loaded correctly in this way, although they ended up underneath the terrain. If we change the 3D model to include the terrain elevation our problem would most likely be fixed. Thank you for your help!

    Quinten (jobstudent using my supervisor An's account ;)

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