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Request for documentation on "Grid Averaging Terrains" calculation mode

Is there any more elaborate documentation on this mode? The description on the wiki is very limited and the Youtube video is from prior to the creation of this mode. I can't evaluate the suitability of this approach for many use cases without knowing a bit more.

I'm mainly curios as to:

  • The intended purpose (what is it solving compared to the Grid Averaging waterways for groundwater calculations)
  • How are the waterways handled in this method?
  • How the terrain delineation comes into existence?
  • How is it handling the borders on connected averaging areas?
  • How depressions that are not connected to any water body are handled
  • And frankly quiet a bit more questions...


  • edited March 2023

    Hello @Len Geisler ,

    After the recent 2023 release on the LTS we updated a lot of documentation too. Are you still lacking the info as you mentioned?



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