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GeoTiff export via endpoint with BBOX (bounding box)

I know the overlay streaming endpoint supports BBOX export. I expect this to mean that you can export parts of you project overlays as a GeoTiff only for that area within the bounding box. For example only your area of interest. Is this functionality assumption correct?

I know for other additional queries like timeframe, scale, maptype etc. what the syntax should roughly be. Like:

  • &maptype=CURRENT&
  • &scale=1.0&
  • etc.

Also because some checkboxes can be found within the client export function as URL. Those checkboxes don't exist for a BBOX. So for the BBOX I can't seem to get the syntax right. How should this be structured? I know it's in crs=3857. Can you give an example?


  • Hi Len,

    I've checked, and while it is possible to provide a bounding box for, for example, png exports, such an option is currently not available for geotiffs. Usually, when working with geotiffs, they are processed by further tooling which allows parts of it to be cut off. Would this be an option for your usecase?


  • Hello Rudolf,

    Unfotunatly not. The required export literally does not fit in one geotiff (> 2 * 10^9 cells). This means that export geotiff effectively doesn't work at all. The only route would be ASCII but these inefficient files become extremely large >50 GB a piece making this a really bad option.

    Other options with &scale=0.5& for example all aggregate information and loose detail.

    Thank you for the response

  • Hi Len,

    thank you for your clarification. Based on your use-case and input, the next version of the Tygron Platform will offer additional export options, including bounding box parameters for both GeoTIFF exports and ASCII exports. This will allow you to sequentially download segments of the total results, which you can then process as you see fit in the rest of your process pipeline.

    The syntax will be like the following:,220,110,230&token=....

    This functionality is now testable on our Preview Server!


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