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Water areas maar gedeeltelijk dekkend

Hoe gaat TYGRON om met het ' voorvullen' van water om als het projectgebied niet volledig is voorzien van water areas.

Geldt voor de ontbrekende stukken: If no water areas are present, no water is initialized in the water terrains. Waterways and other water bodies will be dry at the start of the simulation (unless an inundation area is present, which performs a similar function). ?

Groeten Jesse



  • Indeed that is what happens. I believe your question then specifically refers to what happens when a waterbody is partially covered, rather than entirely covered or entirely uncovered,

    The part of the waterbody which is covered will have water initialized, the part of the waterbody which is not covered will not have water initialized. Each cell is considered individually, and checked whether it is water and whether there is a water area covering it. It does check whether adjacent cells are or are not covered, This results in an initial situation where there is a "wall of water" in the waterway, which will begin to flow/collapse immediately after the simulation starts.

    Note that there áre special considerations for shorelines; locations where the water terrain does not extend properly to the geographical edge of the waterway. But this is a special, short distance check performed for the shores of waterways, not for general parts of waterbodies or waterways,



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