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For models in rural (hilly) areas I want to include drainage on agricultural fields. As input I have grids with elevation of in meters above reference (NAP). Since drainage needs to be a polygon with connection to a waterway I would need to create hundreds of polygons that connect to a water surface. Any suggestions how to include this in my simulation?

Best, Jeroen


  • Hi Jeroen,

    at this time drainages can only be loaded in as polygons. This is also inherent to how the drainages function, to be moved across the specific drainage. Which section of drainage is which, and thus which "route" water would be allowed to take, would be unclear.

    Although it would be feasible to model individual almost line-shaped polygons, each at a specific height but with each such line potentially differing in height, this would still only model individual drainage pipes which themselves are entirely level relative to datum. At this time we do not support modeling drainage the pipes of which vary in heights throughout their own length.

    Would your use-case/analysis allow for a simplification of the drainages? Taking larger groups of cells which are all around the same height, averaging that height, and creating a polygon which lays at that average height?

  • Hi RudolfNL,

    Since there is no other option I will try to use a contour map and use contours as drainage. It will need an additional waterway to connect the drainage polygons to surface water. This will require some testing and will not be suitable for all cases. I will post an update once I got it working

    Maybe something for the wish-list?

  • Thanks Jeroen, we will write this down as a feature request. Please note that you can always share your wishes here: Tygron EN Geodesign Platform | Platform.

    Tygron Support Team

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