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Soil moisture dependant infiltration speed

Is there a way to get the watermodule to use different infiltrations speeds under different conditions? Namely soil moisture. Or does this maybe already exist?

Completely dry soil can have a different infiltration speed then semi-wet or completely wet soils.

Alternatively but less optimal: Can the infiltration speed be dictated as an array?


  • Hi Len,

    currently the configurable infiltration speed is fixed. However, what you describe (wet and dry soil infiltrating differently) is somewhat modeled in how the unsaturated zone currently operates. The basic principle is that the more water is in the unsaturated zone, the more water flows through to the saturated zone.

    The formula reflecting the implementation can be found here:


  • Hi Rudolf,

    What this formula describes is the constant value of

     = The GROUNDINFILTRATIONMD of the underground terrain type.. The question is if this value could be a variable based on soil moisture characteristics. For a specific question this would've been a desired option, but no longer a pressing question. It was about short severe rain events where the infiltration rate was expected to vary over time due to different initial soil conditions.

    If the occasion arises again I'll make sure to make an idea out of it on the idea page.

    Thank you for the response. Regards!

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