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.csv import not working


I can not get my .csv with rainfall data imported to the Configuration Wizard. It shows my timestamps, however the RAIN_M (mm) remains empty. I am not sure what I do wrong now. Is there, besides this one, a page where I can find more information about how I should make up the .csv to get the correct data?


  • Hi there,

    would you be able to share a snippet of the file you are trying to upload, (the header and a few lines of data) so we can check whether there is something in the formatting which may cause numbers to be incorrectly interpreted?

    At this time, the page you refer to has generic csv examples. However, at the bottom of the article you can find a large amount of how-to's, which tend to feature more exact examples. Can you check one of the how-to's listed there ( for example: ), and see whether that clarifies the proper format and settings?

    Kind regards,


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