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API-call template settings

I was wondering where the API-calls are located for template settings and a way to configure them. Specifically the event located behind these Client buttons:


  • Hi Len,

    You are looking at what the API refers to as Geo Options. When creating a new project, either from scratch or based on a pre-existing project (a template), you can change the Geo Options before firing the event to generate a new project, to affect how data sources are consulted (or in some cases whether they are used at all) while creating your new Project.



  • Hi Rudolf,

    Great! This is indeed the location. Now the question is which exact call / syntax would be behind this setting? It doesn't really follow from the API-calls / documentation itself. There's a boolean, double and string option with all the same "type" as inputs. Some make sense, like the boolean for the checkboxes.

    I found the "AHN4" combination being NLAHN and "AHN4" as string. But the "HEIGHTMAPRESOLUTION" doesn't really work the same way. Both through the double_array and the string I can't find a combination that works. For example "Low (2.5m)", which is the interface string, doesn't give a correct response but the 2.5 as double also doesn't work. What is the desired syntax?

    Kind regards,


    ps: There seem to be several character combinations in the forum post settings which change styling of the information i'm writing. Like "_" twice making everything cursive between. Makes it hard to write attribute names which often have this. Can this be disabled?

  • Hey Len,

    A good rule of thumb for any API work, but which also applies here I think, is to see what happens when you do the same via the client and then inspect the results via the API. You can already access the session API even before the project is fully generated, through the root API. And even after project generation, the settings for the Geo Options remain configured (see also: Tools->Template. It's the same data as during project generation, just a different interface).

    Set the Geo Option to what you would like to see, and inspect the resulting data via the API. This should help with determining the exact datatype any particular Geo Option is/expects, and thus which even to use.

    We're aware of the forum formatting. At this time we've decided that the ability to format and structure our responses (especially my very long ones ;) ) benefit more from having rich formatting enabled, than the inconvenience of our precious underscores being absorbed by the formatter for styling. But as with our main Platform as well, the forum is also subject to incremental improvements over time, and this is certainly something we're aware of. :)



  • Hi Rudolf,

    That worked. Thanks.

    Good te hear about the formatting. More of an inconvenience indeed, nothing major or high priority.

    Regards, Len

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