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Grid calculations

Is it possible to export an excel table with fixed grid points from the map? I need to test the heat stress of different measures and I want to research to effect on the area.


  • Hi,

    Your question boils down to creating repeatable and exportable measurements. There are 2 ways to accomplish what you want:


    You can place and save point measurements in your project, the values of which can be exported (albeit one at a time). This will provide you with exact measurements. This is built-in functionality, easy to use, but therefor also relatively limited.

    Read more about measurements here:


    You can place very small Areas in your 3D world, each marked with some attribute (such as MEASUREMENT-AREA). You can then create an excel for an indicator or a template which performs a query of the form SELECT-GRIDAVG-WHERE-AREA-IS-X-AND-INDEX-is-Y-AND-GRID-IS-[whichever grid you want to read out]. You can then export the debug version of that excel for a singular and complete overview of all values measured.

    Read more about the relevant topics here:

    I recommend exploring the queries route, as that will offer you the most flexibility.

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