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TQL query to request value of a specific attribute

We would like to query the value of a specific attribute per neighbourhood. In our case we added data for the percentage of inhabitants that have a habit of smoking. We have tried to formulate a query to request this percentage:

The query result doesn't show the value it has. Meaning there is a mistake in our query. Is it possible to request the value of an neighbourhood attribute, and if so, how?



  • edited August 2021

    Hello @Danielle ,

    Thank you for your question.

    If I understand correctly, you are looking for an outcome in percentages right?

    The outcome of a query is never in percentage. In order to get a percentage you need to make a calculation in an Excel.

    For example in an indicator or in an Excel panel.

    In this case is the query you have created the outcome of the ammount of units (houses) in a certain neighbourhood and with the category of neighbourhood with smokers. I cannot check what the data contains in the dataset you make use of, so I cannot advice you about that. But in order to create a percentage you would need to generate a query with an outcome tha provides the value of all units and a query that provides the outcome of you selection with the smokers category. These two outcomes can be used to calculate the percentage in the Excel sheet which can show the outcome of this calculation eighter in the Excel panel or in an Excel indicator.

    I hope this helps you to make the final step in this proces to generate the outcome you are looking for.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hello @Hansje ,

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    The file Danielle is talking about is a neighbourhood file including a column with values these values are percentages. We try to query those numbers from the file we have loaded into tyrgon. Is that possible?



  • Hello @Danielle

    Hello @Urbansync - Leon,

    I was looking into your question, and would the following querry work for your use case?

    Regards, Vincent

  • Thank you @vincent.tygron, this is working!



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