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Distance overlay in combo overlay


I'm using a distance overlay in a combo overlay in combination with an AVG overlay. My goal is to get surface with more than 1 floor within 10 metres of distance. So, I tried to use the following formula:

MUL(GTE(10, A), GTE(B, 2))

A = Distance overlay (100 metres in urban gardens).

B = Avg overlay with number of floors

It returns unexpected behaviour, like A being boolean.

However, if I try:

MUL(A, GTE(B, 2))

it returns the value of A when B >= 2.

I know the solution could be setting the distance overlay to 10 m. However, I would like to know how distance overlay works in combo overlays because I would like to reuse the distance overlay in other contexts with different thresholds.

Thank you,



  • Hi @jpueyo,

    Real nice what you are doing with the combo overlay!!

    You have come quite far yourself, only the final step is missing ins what you are trying to do.

    One comment before I give some additional info...I'm not completly sure if your goal is to get the total ammount of floorsize/lotsize as a number or if you would like to make it visual by hightligting the affected buildings?

    About you conclusion about A as a boolean, that is correct. The trick is to, in case you would like to get the number of floorsize/lotsize , add a query where you request this number.

    In case you would like to make is visual you need to pick the result you would like to visualize. It could be the boolean (yes or no) or the distance itself.

    I hope this helps you to make the final step in reaching your goal.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi.

    I want to get the total lotsize (to calculate the area for rainwater harvesting in urban gardens).

    So, from your comment, I understood that I can't use a threshold smaller than the value I set as distance zone in the function values. So, if a need a distance zone of 10 metres in one case and 100 metres in another case, I should create two different attributes in the function values.

    Thank you!


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