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Infiltration as an array, no documentation

I noticed that infiltration in constructions can now be an array of 4 different values. Similar to the evaporation factor. I can't find any documentation on this. I'm curious if i can interpret this as an infiltration curve?

The same doesn't apply for soil types. This is still one value. Does the soiltype also accept an array? Can this be more then 4 values.

Use case example can be a very dry soil which can act as a water retardent (low infiltration), later when it gets wetter it can infiltrate up to the maximum of the soil (or landuse) type, when it becomes to wet it can again become less infiltrating.


  • Hello @Len Geisler ,

    May I ask if you mean the value of the root depth? If so, maybe this page can give some clarification.

    Evaporation model (Water Overlay) - Tygron Support wiki

    Specifically the pic about the underground evaporation (with the trapezium). If this is indeed what you mean, the answer is that you can set one value or 4 values, not more than that.

    If this is not what you mean, can you please specify your question?

    Maybe with a pic of the value you mean? And where you find this setting?

    It could be that I do not understand your question well enough.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi @Hansje,

    I do really mean the infiltration speed. GROUND_INFILTRATION_MD. I'm familiar with the root depth (ROOT_DEPTH_M) and Maxim recently explained the recent improvement to the evaporation factor for vegetation allowing for a seasonal fluctuation. This also isn't documented yet i think. This is the default setting for " standaard loofbomen" . 4 values for the infiltration.

  • Hello @Len Geisler ,

    Thank you for the additional information and the screenshot.

    I'm requesting this info from my colleague and will get back to you about this asap when I have received an answer.


    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hello @Len Geisler ,

    I have received additional information about this infiltration value.

    It turns out this should have been the evaporation value by default.

    We will correct this in the software.

    So there is no 4 values infiltration (new) feature. Only the 4 values evaporation is, (4 values in a year).

    I hope this is clear enough.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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