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Uploading a GeoTiff with the API


Iḿ tryging to upload a GeoTiff with the API, but with no succes. Could you please help?

Iḿ using the following address:

The first line asks for the name of the GeoTiff. I think I can be creative here and just give the geotiff a name that Tygron will use.

The second line asks for the actual GeoTiff. I have the GeoTiff on my local drive, so I give the address:


The third line asks for the uploader. That would be me, so:


Obviously I am doing something wrong here, since this doesnt work. Please some help. 🙂

Thank you,




  • Hi Ward,

    files and other (binary) data should be converted to base64 to be uploaded. Converting to base64 means the raw binary data is changed into a text string which can be safely transmitted. I'll find some time to clarify this detail in our API tutorial, which does mention it in the code example but not yet explicitly in an explanation:

    Please let us know whether this solves your challenge.

    Kind regards,


  • Hey Rudolf,

    Thank you! Yes, that solved the challenge. (not so much the tutorial, but the fact that you need to decode the geotiff before uploading)

    All the best,


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