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WMS export CRS projection


I've recently changed the EPSG projection of a project to 4326, to make it easier to communicate with another platform. In the 'export grid overlay' the projection is as stated (4326), however, looking into the WMS all the layers still are 3857. Is this a bug and how can I change this?



  • Hey there!

    Thank you for raising this question. We're going to investigate what's happening here and let you know when we have more information for you.


    Sprawling spreadsheets so intricate Alexander the Great cuts them in half.

  • Hello,

    You should now be able to add "CRS=4326"to your WMS url to force the correct CRS in your service.

    We hope this resolves your issue, thanks for bringing this to our attention.



  • Hi Vincent,

    I've added CRS=4326 to the url -->[$TOKEN]&CRS=4326 however, that doesn't resolve the issue. the boundingbox CRS is still 3857..

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