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Automatic project creation and data export

Dear community,

I've got a project where I need to recreate the 'Flood depth associated with short, severe precipitation | 70 mm / 2 hr' from the as we have a lot of objects that have a year of construction newer than the underlying data (>2012). These could total up to a maximum of 124 projects! It would save a lot of time if an automatic project creation and data export of the Rainfall overlay is possible within Tygron, but this possiblity and the necessary steps remain unclear to me.

The idea is to be able to loop over a list of projectlocations/extends, where a project is created, the rainfall overaly is run, the result is exported, and the project is closed/deleted in order to create the next one.

Is this possibible within Tygron using the API or additional software to do this?

What steps could I take in order to execute this assessment?




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