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Heat Stress KNMI data - Excel calculator tool

edited February 2024 in Ideas/suggestions

The Heat Stress Overlay, available in the Tygron Platform, can allow for detailed and temporal results. Although easily added, the proper configuration of it is essential. Finding, parsing, and entering the proper KNMI weather readings can be a task taking up a bit of time, but it's possible to automate the process somewhat. We've recently developed a small tool to assist with this.

This excel file has a "calculator" tab which assists with finding and converting the desired values.

KNMI data can still be downloaded and opened in excel as usual:

The tab with that data can then be copied into the calculator excel. The calculator tab has an input field for the name of the added tab, and an input field for the desired date. A table is then produced with all the Heat Stress Overly input values for all hours of the specified day, as well as the correctly calculated averages. These values can then be copied over into the Heat Stress Overlay's configuration wizard.

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