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Text in excel panels and indicators? Consider using Text Panels and iframes!

Excel panels can generate and display a lot of information to end-users. A common situations is that as the complexity of the information increases, as well as the usage of whatever Project or Template it resides in, there is a greater need to also include textual information on the overal intent and principles of whatever data is calculated and displayed. With this also comes the need to maintain these bits of text, which can be accounted for when setting up Panels.

Its best to separate the text out of the calculation modules. Instead, an html iframe can be used to include data dynamically from a different location. If the explanation can be hosted on a publicly available location as a (simple) webpage, it can be included by having the Excel Panel include the following in its output:

<iframe src="" />

This will redirect to an external source, and will thus always show the latest available information.

However, depending on the Project and the type of information, another option may be even better:

Create a Text Panel in your Project. Take note of the Panel's ID. As content, write whatever information must be presented to the end-user. Name this panel "Explanation".

In the Excel Panel, include the following line:

<iframe src="/web/panel.html?id=[ID]&token=$TOKEN">

Where [ID] is replaced with the ID of the panel with the desired content.

This will link the iframe to the other panel and thus display that content.

The result of this setup is that to update the text displayed, it is no longer necessary to update the entire Excel panel and find the exact text used. Instead, the text is available as plain-text in a panel called Explanation, and can be easily updated by changing its text content.

Note that when this setup is functional for a panel, this works for an indicator as well. When an Indicator has an iframe referring to a panel, and that panel contains the textual information the user should see, the end result will be the same: an integral overview of both the indicator results and the associated explanation, but with the actual explanation relegated to a simple to maintain Text Panel.

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