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Troubleshooting pumps not functioning at their full efficiency

When a Water Overlay features Pumps to move water around, especially in a more complex water system intended to simulate over longer periods of time, sometimes Pumps may not seem to operate at their full efficiency. Specifically, when a Pump is set to operate based on a lower threshold, water right near where the Pump operates may appear to consistently remain higher than the level the Pump is configured for.

What's happening that that, by default, a Pump operates only on a single grid cell, which means it will only remove water from that specific cell to that specific level.

But water from surrounding cells can then flow back in, leveling out the water level and making the net effect of the Pump minimal.

To ensure that a Pump removes a more appropriate amount of water from the water system, it can be configured so that it operates across a larger area. This will give the pump "access" to more water to pump away in a single step of the simulation.

More information about catching this kind of situation and resolving it can be found on our wiki:

More information about the precise setting can also be found on our wiki:

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