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.LAS files

I was wondering, is it possible, and if so how, to work with your own .LAS files. (pointclouds)
Can I convert them someway that they can work in the engine?

Best Answer

  • Accepted Answer

    Hi Sander,

    I don't know what your use case is, but then you have to create a GeoTIFF of the LAS file and either import it as:

    • a Digital Terrain Model to change the Terrain model in the Engine. See for the steps this Wiki page
    • or you can create a GeoTIFF overlay of the data. Then you just add the GeoTIFF Overlay and select your file (see attached image).


  • Hi Godelief,

    the idea is that we can change the terrain model with our own point clouds. So step 1.
    I am going to try it and I' ll let you know how its working out.

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